The meeting of the Town of Hay River Board was called to order at 7 P.M. by Russ Hitz. The meeting was verified to have been legally posted. Supervisor Hoff was not in attendance. Citizens Bob Retz and Eldora De Raad were present.
The Clerk read the minutes of the October regular meeting. Hahn moved to approve the minutes, seconded Hitz. Carried 2-0.
Treasurer’s report was given by Sue. She reported $14,152.12 in checking, $32,541.48 in the money market, $149,748.48 in the tax account, $3,716.29 in the machine fund and $17,610.93 in the solid waste account. There have been 189 dogs licensed. Received a bankruptcy notice for Terry Heckman who we have a judgement for a fire call. Discussed personal property on leased land (PPL). This is billed by the County to the Town per the coding on the tax roll. There is a new law pertaining to mobile home rented/leased land. There are forms to be completed that were provided to the Treasurer by the Assessor. The County has invoiced $1,356.85 for 2017, 2018, and 2020 to catch us up on this law change. The Town will pay this per motion of Hitz, seconded Hahn. Carried 2-0. We had paid 2019 already. Treasurer’s report was approved by motion of Hahn, seconded Hitz. Carried 2-0.
The Treasurer also noted she opened a new account to hold the ARPA funds as it was pointed out at the Dunn Towns Association that these are special funds.
A 2022 contract for inspector Fred Weber was signed by the Chairman. The Town has received our first notice of non- compliance for the tax assessment, we are set for a valuation in 2022.
There were no CSM’s to review.
The redistricting resolution #406 was reviewed. A motion to adopt was made by Hahn, seconded Hitz. Carried 2-0. The resolution was signed.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Eldora DeRaad shared her frustrations with the lack of internet and fiber optics in the area. She had many conversations with Centurytel to no avail. Bob Retz asked how the wards just adopted in the redistricting are created and was told that it is population based and done by the County/State . He also stated that he continues to see people removing garbage from the dumpsters. Sue Hitz shared that a lot has been added to the Town website.
The Clerk transition plan continues. A procedure manual is being written. Samantha was appointed as a deputy clerk and will begin training. The computer and other Town owned items will be moved before the next meeting. Samantha will prepare for the next meeting at her home with assistance. The Board action to accept resignation and appoint should happen at the December meeting. Michelle will continue to help train and work the first couple elections.
The ARPA calculator has been updated and the Clerk will run our numbers again. However, the Clerk shared that very little direction is known and the Town should continue to be cautious about using this funding.
The truck has been lettered. Jeremy asked when to get quotes for a new tractor due for trade next year; the Board suggested to hold off until after the first of the year. A spring on one of the garage doors needs to be fixed. The lights in the shop are 9′ fluorescent and should be upgraded to LED lights. There are 11 fixtures or 22 lights needed. Jeremy was told to look into this further. The Clerk will research rebate programs also.
Road projects:
The grading is looking okay for winter.
1040th continues to be pretty smooth.
Hitz reported that he contacted the DMR and Mike Chovan does not have a permit to divert water to this cattle. The person at the DNR is in Superior and he will take a look sometime. The Clerk was ordered to write a letter to Mike Chovan explaining that the fence is in the right of way, the DNR does not have the permit he indicated, and that any damage done to his fence during the coming winter months, suck as snow plowing, will be not the responsibility of the Town.
The LRIP application was completed and submitted to Dunn County. The 90/10 funding was discussed and the County is encouraging us to apply. A traffic tally will be needed.
Jeremy was approved by motion of Hahn, seconded Hitz, to purchase bulk oil, grease, and hydraulic fluid from Cenex. Carried 2-0.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:P.M. to the budget hearing and special meeting. The meeting was reconvened at 8:30 P.M.
The Plan Commission survey will be addressed next month. Bob had 2 more questions he shared with the Board that he proposed be included. No action taken.
Hitz will review the emergency plan.
The bills were presented for approval and payment. Checks 14422-14437, with 14430 voided and 4 EFT’s all were approved by motion of Hahn, seconded by Hitz. Carried 2-0.
The next regular meeting December 13, 2021 at 7 P.M. by motion of Hahn, seconded Hitz. Carried 2-0. No action taken to set a special meeting for employee performance or wages/benefits.
Motion to adjourn at 9:10 by Hahn, seconded Hitz. Carried 2-0.
Dated this 13th day of November, 2021.
Michelle Drury, Clerk