Regular Meeting of the Board
April 10, 2023
- Meeting called to order at 7:00pm & verified legally posted by Hahn.
- The minutes of the March regular meeting were read and approved by motion of Hoff, seconded by Hahn, carried 2-0.
- Clerk read Treasurer’s Report. Ned mentioned looking to interest rates on accounts and shopping for stronger rates. Motion to approve report by Hoff, seconded by Hahn, carried 2-0.
- Review building permits issued/inspection reports:
- Dyer Driveway-no culvert needed per Jeremy. Motion to approve by Hahn, seconded by Hoff, carried 2-0.
- Groeper Driveway-wants two driveways on one parcel. Resident hauls large equipment and prefers to pull in one side and out the other. Possibility to adjust position of one driveway based on future home placement. Not a high water area, resident would prefer to use a 10” steel culvert, if deemed necessary. Motion to approve driveway permit by Hoff, seconded by Hahn, carried 2-0.
- Equipment repairs/tools/purchases:
- Plow truck has 14,139 miles/778hrs, 1-ton 41,188 miles, tractor 77.8hrs, grader 4,441 hrs.
- Buildings & Grounds: Shop Door #1 is rusting, and there’s a gap under Door #2. Changed locks on both doors. Discussed new baseboard heaters that were installed.
- Road Projects/Reports:
- Annual Road Inspection: Wednesday, April 12th at 3pm.
- 520th culvert N. of 1090th washed out. Dunn County was contacted, road is closed. Notify Sherriff’s office that Russ is no longer the contact- add Jeremy and Michelle. Jeremy will order 5 signs from Dunn County.
- Communication/Correspondence: Email Bob the WTA meeting info for new members.
- Administer Oath to Newly Elected Board and Offices
- Discuss Town Office Equipment
- Laptop & laser printer/copier for Treasurer. Motion to approve purchase of laptop for Treasurer using ARPA Funds by Hahn, seconded by Hoff, carried 2-0.
- Comments from the public for discussion purposes only.
- The Clerk will present vouchers & checks for approval. Motion to approve payables 14820-14839 & 4 EFTs by Hahn, seconded by Hoff, carried 2-0.
- Next regular Board Meeting set for Monday, May 8th at 7:00pm
- Adjourn at 8:03pm by motion of Hahn, seconded by Hoff, carried 2-0.
4.10.2023 Samantha Bird, Clerk