The meeting of the Tow of Hay Rive Board was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Chairman Russ Hitz. The meeting was verified to have been legally posted.
The Clerk read the minutes of the February meeting. Hahn moved to approve the minutes as read, seconded Hitz. Carried 2-0.
Treasurer’s report was given by Sue. She reported $12,491.57 in checking, $70,478.99 in the money market, $170,058.56 in the tax account, $11,218.05 in the machine fund,$30,850.03 in special funds, and $15,723.27 in the solid waste account. Sue notified that there are 137 dogs licensed in the township. There are two outstanding Personal Property taxes due, for a total of $393.74. Treasurer’s report was approved by motion of Hahn, seconded Hitz. Carried 2-0.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Resident Samantha Bird asked the board if the meeting agendas and approved minutes would be added to the Town website each month. Sue advised that she working on getting them posted now that tax season is done.
Patrolman Jeremy Cassellius was presented with the updated Patrolman Contract and declined to sign, stating that he didn’t feel it was necessary or a legal document. Chairman Hitz and Supervisor Hahn signed the document. Clerk will file the document for reference.
Truck Warranty: Jeremy notified the board that the warranty for the truck is sold as a package-the Town cannot purchase After Treatment separately from Engine Coverage. Hahn motioned to purchase the 7 year/100 K mile warranty for $5,200. Seconded by Hitz. Carried 2-0.
Tractor Bids:
International would not provide a bid because they do not have anything available. Quoted a grapple at $5,685.
Midwest Machinery Co. said they were unable to offer a Municipality Discount because we are not in their territory. Price for their grapple was extremely high.
Tractor Central will have a tractor available October/November. Bid offered $20/hour out of pocket based around the trade in of the town’s current tractor. Grapple $4,025.38. Hahn stated that he wants to table the Grapple until the April meeting when Supervisor Hoff is present. Hahn motioned to move ahead with the tractor and loader as listed on the bid from Tractor Central. Seconded Hitz, Carried 2-0.
Grader Wing: Jeremy notified the board that the metal where the pins attach to the grader wing is starting to rust, crack , and fold back. He is looking into the possibility of welding plates to the existing area vs. having the pieces built new.
Clerk notified the board that in order to meet compliance with our Work Comp Insurance, John Cassellius will need to provide a Certificate of Insurance to complete the lighting project. Jeremy ordered (6) wheels for the shop doors from Dunn County Door.
Road Inspection: April 2nd, 2022, beginning at 7:30 AM, the Town Board, along with Patrolman will perform the annual road inspection. Motion by Hitz, seconded Hahn. Carried 2-0.
ARPA Funding: Office Equipment: Treasurer stated she no longer needs a new printer; she is able to replace the drum for her current printer. Clerk stated the need for a new laptop as the current desktop is quite old, very slow, and unreliable. Clerk will at laptops and research the security requirements needed. Chairman estimated $1,500- $1,700 for a laptop.
Update from Plan Commission
Bridge Inspection-Russ will reply and send a copy of the reply to the Clerk.
Survey: Ned inquired about the frequency of the Town newsletter and if the survey could be sent with that. Because it is only sent annually, we will need to have a separate mailing for the survey. Supervisor Hahn stated that he felt being that the Planning Commission spent the time to create the survey he doesn’t feel the Board needs to make any changes, and that he doesn’t have any specific changes he’ like to see. He did say that a Cover Letter should be sent. Clerk will draft a cover letter for approval at the April meeting. A vote on the survey will be held at the April meeting when the full Board is present.
LTD is shown as a future provider for broadband in our Township, however they do not currently hold any contracts.
CCO Holdings is Charter. The Town does not need to contribute or apply for grants to begin the broadband installation in parts of the Town. Charter is already contracted with the state and Fed and a Representative with CCO Holdings will be at the April meeting.
Primary Election Workers: Hahn made a motion to approve the use of three (3) poll workers for the April 5th election. Seconded by Hitz. Carried 2-0.
Clerk presented checks 14518-14536 & 4 EFT’s for approval. Hahn made a motion to approve payables, seconded by Hitz. Carried 2-0.
Next regular meeting will be April 11, 2022 at 7:00 pm. Items to add to the agenda include Board of Review training requirements. Clerk will research and present. Dunn County Emergency Plan will meet April 20th at 7p.m. Chairman Hitz stated that he and Supervisor Hahn should attend.
Regular meeting was motioned to adjourn at 8:50 pm by Hahn, seconded Hitz. Carried 2-0.
Dated the 15th day of March, 2022
Samantha Bird, Clerk