- The meeting of the Town of Hay River Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Hitz & verified legally posted. Board members in attendance: Russ Hitz and Ned Hahn.
2. The Clerk read the minutes of the May meeting. Hahn moved to approve the minutes with one name correction, seconded by Hitz. Carried 2-0.
3. Treasurer’s report was given by Sue. She reported $9,678.69 in checking, $30,870.66 in Special Funds, $38,891.52 in Money Market, $180,556.79 in the Tax Account, $11,222.73 in Machine & Equipment, and $19,501.04 in the Solid Waste account for a grand total of $290,721.43. Currently there are 180 dogs licensed in the Town. Outstanding Personal Property Tax due of $331.57. Sue shared that the second ARPA Special Funds payment will be deposited on June 20th. Treasurer’s report was approved by motion of Hahn, Seconded by Hitz. Carried 2-0.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Resident Bob Retz shared his disappointment that Keith Lutzen’s service as Solid Waste Attendant wasn’t acknowledged at his passing. He also shared that he is frustrated that the town website was not up to date with Agendas & Minutes. Treasurer Sue Hitz , has been managing the website and stated that her computer was at PC Doctor, and she also been having issues loading things. Clerk offered to assist with posting the Agendas & Minutes that she prepares to the town website, and was told only one person would have access to post to the website at this time.
5. Mosaic Representative was NOT present to discuss broadband efforts.
6. Solid Waste:
a. An overpayment was issued to Keith Lutzen prior to his death; the Board decided that we would not seek reimbursement.
b. Clerk will prepare an application for the Assistant Solid Waste Attendant position and send it to the Board.
7. Equipment/Repairs: Nothing to discuss.
8. Building/Grounds: Patrolman uses his personal lawn mower to maintain the grass at the Town Hall and is currently paid $30 per mow for gas & maintenance of it. Based on rising gas prices Hitz mad motion to increase the payment to $40. Seconded by Hahn. Carried 2-0.
9. Road Projects: Russ shared that Sherman Township approved to repair their portion of 970th in conjunction with Hay River. Dunn County will work with Tainter Township for their portion of the road work.
10. Update from Plan Commission:
a. Russ received a request for information on Subdivision Ordinances in the town; Clerk will email our ordinance to Jason Hiess. Russ will contact Tom Carlson with the County for more information.
11. CSM Reviews and Approvals: Board approved Drury CSM.
12. Building Permits: Board reviewed Building Permit for Flynn.
13. Communication/Correspondence:
a. Board declined to prepare an Emergency Operations Plan as was recommended by Dunn County.
14. Clerk presented checks 14576-14597, 4 EFT’s & one VOIDED check for approval and signatures. Hahn made a motion to approve payables, seconded by Hitz. Carried 2-0.
15. Next regular meeting will be July 11, 2022 at 7 P.M.
16. Regular meeting was motioned to adjourn at 8:23 P.M. by Hahn, seconded Hitz, Carried 2-0.