The meeting of the Town of Hay River Board was called to order at 7:00 .M. by Russ Hitz. The meeting was verified to have been legally posted.
The Clerk read the minutes of the December regular and January closing of the books meetings. Hahn moved to approve the minutes as read, seconded Hoff. Carried 3-0.
Treasurer’s report was given by Sue. She reported $60,107.71 in checking, $124,707.89 in the money market, $459,612.26 in the tax account, $3,717.26 in the machine fund, $30,844.11 in special funds, and $11,381.60 in the solid waste account. Treasurer’s report was approved by motion of Hoff, seconded Hahn. Carried 3-0. The taxes are done and will be paid by 2/18/2022.
The Open Book Meeting is set for Tuesday, May 31st from 1:45-3:45 pm. Board of Review meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 9th from 5-7 p.m. Motion by Hahn to confirm meeting dates, seconded Hoff. Carried 3-0. Clerk will remind Patrolman to open the town hall for the Open Book Meeting.
Public: Ned Hahn asked Patrolman about the necessity of plowing small amounts of light snow. Jeremy advised that he was out sanding the roads anyway, and in many places the roads were ice as a result of small accumulations of snow not being previously plowed, and then driven over. Ned was ok with this explanation, but wants to be cautious with the use of the new equipment.
Chairman Russ Hitz received an email from citizen Bob Retz with a complaint that he shared on behalf of three additional citizens. Russ asked Bob to give him the names of the other parties, Bob declined. Russ was upset that Bob addressed his wife, Treasurer Sue Hitz, in the email and not him, and a heated discussion followed. Bob explained that his intent was to make two separate comments, but since they share the same email address he only sent one email. Bob apologized for not addressing Chairman Hitz in his email. Bob shared his opinion that Town Board contact information should be shared on the town website in addition to the annual newsletter.
The Contract for Patrolman was updated by the Board, Clerk will make the changes and present to the Board and Jeremy for signatures at the March meeting.
Jeremy notified the board of a blown hyraulic hose on the plow, for which he had a replacement made. He estimates a loss of approx. 4 gallons of hydraulic fluid & refilled lines to spec. Jeremy discovered a sharp metal area is what caused the hose to rupture, and currently has the area protected with another layer of hose until the weather warms up and he is able to grind the metal smooth.
Patrolman discussed the quotes given for an Extended Warranty for the truck, they are as follows: 5 years100K miles $2,950, 6 years/250 K miles $4,475, 7 years/100K miles $5,200. Jeremy informed the board that the price to purchase an Extended Warranty increases if purchased more than 6 months after the truck purchase date. A decision for the Extended Warranty needs to be acted on by April 1st, 2022 to meet the 6 month time frame.
Jeremy was told to gather bids for a new tractor & report back to the board.
Update on the shop light project: there is a conversion kit available to update the lighting to LED . They are approx. $50 per kit, 11 are needed to complete the project. Jerem said that his dad is a master electrician and offered to do the work for $35 per hour, and that the twn would need to rent a lift. This project would begin when the temperatures rise. Motion by Hahn to order 11 kits, seconded by Hoff. Carried 3-0.
Town was awarded $14,000 LRIP for a road project 980th Avenue. Russ noted that ARPA funds are able to be used for road projects as well. No additional road projects were discussed.
Russ made known that the town does not require a permit for roof mounted solar panels. Dunn County Zoning requires permits if installed on the ground or for selling back energy to the electric company. Clerk will reploy to Olson Solar Panels that they do not require a permit from us.
Planning Commission member Bob Retz asked if the Board would meet with the Commission to discuss the changes being made to the survey, and why they on the survey. Bob shared that it seemed Russ was the one making the changes , not the Board. Ned Hahn noted that the current copy of the survey has eight (8) fewer questions compared to the Initial Proposed Survey. Bob said he, as well as the Planning Commission, feels that they (the Board) should address these changes with them. Russ strongly disagreed, and stated again that the Board has the power to make the changes and approve the final survey. Russ also noted that there were questions that could not be asked, which is why they were removed. Board Supervisors will look over the survey again and are to bring any changes or corrections to the March meeting where the final survey will be voted upon. Bob Retz submitted his resignation from the Hay River Township Planning Committee, “effective immediately due his inability to work within the confines of the system…and his inability to tolerate verbal confrontations with said Chairman.”
Clerk will follow up with LTD Broadband to get more information on the Grant Application.
There were no permits or building inspector reports. Clerk showed the board the permits that were approved by the County for the Conklin -Dwelling & Sanitary.
Supervisor Ned Hahn was pulled from the meeting at 8:35 pm by his wife. HAPPY 75th Birthday, Ned!
The bills were presented for approval and payment. Checks 14499-14517. with 4 EFT’s and one Voided check were approved by motion of Hoff. Seconded by Hitz. Carried 2-0.
The next regular meeting is March 14, 2022.
Motion to adjourn at 9:02 by Hoff, seconded Hitz. Carried 2-0.
Dated this 17th day of February, 2022.
Samantha Bird, Clerk