Special ATV UTV Meeting
The meeting of the Town of Hay River Board was called to order at 7 p.m.by Russ Hitz.
The meeting was verified to have been legally posted by the Clerk. Present: Russ Hitz, Ned Hahn, Cindy Hoff, Michelle Drury, Jeremy Cassellius, Eric and Roberta Schultz.
Discussed opening all roads. Hitz had talked with the DNR Bureau Chief and there are issues with the dead end roads. The problem is that County N is not open. However, it was questioned by we would need signage on the roads if the County road was not a trail. The residents could ride the road, but have to travel overland to avoid County N to get to other trails.
1010th is an issue as it goes to County F or State Road 170 which are not trails. This would also be an issue on a few other roads in the Town.
The people responsible for signing the trails would be Jeff Booth and Jeff Schroeder as snowmobile club members along with members of the association. Eric is in the Knapp Valley snow club and the ATV Association.
Discussed confusion among various people about if trails are open or not. The Towns Association meetings and County proposals were reviewed.
Public Comments: None
The Town will update the proposed ordinance to open all roads unless posted otherwise. To be adopted next Monday night at the regular meeting.
A motion to adjourn was made at 8:15 p.m. by motion of Hahn, seconded Hoff. Carried 3-0.
Dated this 7th day of February, 2021.
Michelle Drury, Clerk